The Soviet Union and You, a short and digestiable guide to our red star friends

By Dr. Syliva Birch

Recently, me and my dear friend and assistants, Anna, Virgil, and Serena where invited to a rare oppertunity. A cultural exchange with the United Soviet Socialist Space Republics, with our pickup being the next trade ship coming towards our side of the frontier. Packing our bags and catching a tramp frieghter out to the X11, we transfered ships and our journey into the USSR began. I urge you dear reader, as suspect as you might be to what I am about to describe, to realise that this guide is as accurate as it can be. There is no lies, and we were allowed free reign of Soviet Space for the duration of our stay.

1. Goverment in the Soviet Union

Two delegates in the Soviet Congress. Their pins show that their first language is Japanese.

The politcal structure of the Soviet Union is as follows. It's a simple democracy, with various worker's collectives, or soviets, each having a say in policy making through a Congress of the Soviets. Policy then gets handed to departments, who figure out how to execute these policy measures as best they can. The Departments assign work to each soviet. For the most part, this works smoothly. That's not to say there's no politcal conflict, as two loose "factions" are present in the goverment, Spacers and Rocksidies. Spacers live in space, with most of the mineral mining and transport done through them. Rocksidies (here after referred to as Rockies) focus more on food production and medical research. There is the possiblity these two will become more divided, but for now, it's more of a friendly rivalry.
The Congress of the Soviets meets about once every year, and lasts anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months, the longest on record lasting for a whole year. Delegates are appointed from their Soviets, and as the Union grows larger, talks have been made about establishment of a system to try and shrink the congress down to a more managable size.

2. Life for your average Citizen

Now, before this section goes into detail, I would like to remark on one thing that suprised even me. In the Soviet Union, there is a popular sport that teaches cooporation, mechanical skills, fast thinking, and mental arithmatic skills to middle schoolers and up. It is called сенсха-до, or Tankery. It is suprisingly entertaining to watch, and somehow safe to boot. A smattering of teams exist, either competing in Group W , which is with with their own designs, or Group B, which is historical armour. Pictured below is a photocopied scan of a souviner that obtained from a match we went to.

Notes: I found most of these images through google searches. Most of these were drawn by Horikou. The rest I'll credit as I find them again.