Wait, what about the soviet union? Why do I keep finding their guns

this guy knows

the soviet union goes to space

imagine a long dramatic pause and scroll here please.

That's cause they went to the one place that wasn't corrupted by capitalism. SPACE!!!!!

So what's the deal with em?

After decided that earth was truely and irevetably screwed, and knowing about the frontier, a plan was set. Plan Мир would see the ENTIRE soviet union head into space, taking along with them the 6th internationale, and anyone else who was fed up with this coporate bullshit called capitalism. They settled around the red star, and started terraforming and experimenting. Things are goin groovy. think solarpunk with Sovietwave characteristics. If you want a image. I can give you one.

the soviet union goes to space

With that in mind, everything was pretty okay. The start was a bit rough sure, but hey, the channel going Kaboom wasn't as big as a deal. No, the soviets had their own problems to deal with. Random energy spikes have been occuring all across the red star. Mysterious ships and heat signatures have been detected. Radio Broadcasts talking about a "koshmar" ocasionally beam into the frontier. A tidally locked planet was seen to be covered in a blizzard and sandstorm at roughly the same time. Sensing a opertunity for PROFIT, Nanotrasen dispatches the NSS DESTINY to the Red Star, or as it's called by the locals, FUGG. Discovering what's going on is just a bonus really.

here's another image for fun, and cause images are one of the only things I know how to actually put in a website.

Wow thats hot there

the finding out part of fucking around

but you havent answered why I keep finding thier guns?

listen kid. you think those are soviet guns? no. this is the old shit. half of this doesnt even resemble the original weapons. this is the shit that they'll gladly give to a group of dumbasses who are just going to recreat V4LI3NT FR33D0M F1GHT3RS 4G41NST THE T3RRY4NY OF C0PYRIGHT 4ND HTOSE N4N0H34DS!!!! F0SSW4SH3R3!!!!